Publicerad: 2023-06-01
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-06-29
Författare: Erik Offerman
Welcome to EAA Fly In 2-4th june 2023, ESGK, Falkoeping, Sweden
Sweden EAA Fly In, 2-4 juni, huvuddag 3 juni, klockan 10:00-17:00 Traditionellt EAA Fly In. Huvuddag 3 juni, inresedag 2 juni och utresedag 4 juni. A warm welcome to Sweden EAA Fly In 2022 in Falköping at Falköping Airport, ESGK, the weekend of 2th - 4th June with Saturday the 3th of June as the main day. Everyone who arrives on Friday and who stays over until Saturday will be invited to supper in the clubhouse, 17: 00-19: 00!
Falbygdens Flygklubb is located at Falköping Airport and it is located just outside the city of Falköping. Falköping is located in the middle of Skaraborg, between the plateau mountains Ålleberg and Mösseberg, a village that has been breathing airplanes for decades.
During Friday afternoon and evening, there will be officials on site to receive long-distance guests who wish to stay overnight until Saturday. The clubhouse will be open until 2200, it is possible to buy 91UL and 100LL fuel and passenger transport to various accommodations. In the clubhouse, breakfast will be served from 07:00 on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Notification that breakfast is desired is made in the secretariat or by text message to 0704-446472. There will also be officials on site on Sunday morning with the same service as on Friday morning.
Everyone who arrives on Friday and who stays over until Saturday will be invited to supper in the clubhouse, 17: 00-19: 00!
Saturday, June 3rd is the main day of this EAA meeting. We look forward to a traditional EAA Fly In with many flying guests, an exhibition of aircraft and exhibitors showing their products, seminars, EAA information and an hangar party in the evening. Coffee and food will be served in the area throughout Saturday.
Flying guests
Falköping Airport has the status of a non controlled airport. As you approach, you call on our frequency 123,350 Mhz.
Notam will be published for the event.
As a pilot, you have an asphalt track and a grass track (eastern lane) to choose from. The track length is 22 - 04. The length of the asphalt track is 1300 meters and the track 1000 meters. An ancient monument is located at the southern end of the eastern grasslane, this will be marked. Left turn to 22 and right turn to 04. The traffic turn height is 1500 ft MSL.
"Falköping's motorstadion" will serve as an access point, coordinates are on the information map. From the entry point "Falköpings motorstadion" you go directly to the left base and final for landing asphalt track / grass track 22 or down wind, right base and final for landing asphalt track / grass track 04.
Keep an eye open for gliders and paragliders around Ålleberg.
Avoid overflight over the city of Falköping under 1500 feet. After landing, officials on quad bikes in yellow vests, "Follow Me", will guide you to the parking lot or refueling, feel free to say on the radio what you want. As we hope for an accident-free weekend, our wish is that taxing takes place at low speed and with high attention. Also keep in mind that there will be less flight-skilled people in the staging area.
Frequency for Falköping Airport is 123,350 MHz. Also keep in mind that Ålleberg is only 4 kilometers away at 123.40 Mhz.
Car-borne guests
For guests arriving by car, there are designated parking spaces adjacent to the airport. Follow the instructions of officials in yellow vests.
It is possible to refuel BP Avgas 91 UL and 100 LL at the airport. Card payment or swish as far as possible.
The secretariat will be staffed on Saturday 09:00 - 16:00. The secretariat will be located adjacent to the refullingtank. To the secretariat you can get help with information about everything possible, report that you want breakfast, accommodation opportunities, programs and times etc. Wifi is available in the area around the clubhouse.
Seminars and EAA information
Seminars and EAA information from the EAA Board will be held on Saturday afternoon. The seminars will be held in the hangar to the left of the clubhouse.
Hangar party
At 17:00 on Saturday evening, the gates to the hangar party will be opened. Locally produced food from Vilt Mat is offered. In the Biggles bar, all kinds of drinks will be offered.
Registration and purchase of a ticket to the hangar party no later than Saturday 13:00 at Wrågården. The food ticket that you buy at Wrågården includes dinner with coffee and cake. Dinner starts at 17:00.
From Friday afternoon to Sunday at 10:00, transports can be booked on numbers 0761-269 002, to and from accommodation and attractions for a small fee. Take the opportunity in this context to remind of the Gliding Museum at Ålleberg, 0515-37185. Open daily 11-17. Well worth a visit! Other time by appointment. More information on how to order transport will be available at the secretariat.
If you do not choose to sleep under the aircraft wing in tents, there are a variety of accommodation options near the airport.
Hotels Falköping, Länk till annan webbplats. 0515-68 61 00.
Ålleberg Café and Restaurant, camping cabins, Länk till annan webbplats. 0515-37157
Mössebergs Camping och Stugby, Länk till annan webbplats. 0515 - 173 49
Other tips on accommodation can be found at Länk till annan webbplats.
or Länk till annan webbplats..
Friday 2 June
Arrival in the afternoon
Evening meal in the clubhouse for overnight visitors, 1700-1900
Saturday 3 June
Breakfast for guests 0700-0900
Flight exhibition 1000-1700
EAA seminars 1500-1700ca
The bar opens in 1700
The food is served 17:00 (hangarparty)
Sunday 4 June
Breakfast for guests 0700-0900
Welcome to a classic EAA Fly In wishes Falbygdens Flygklubb!
Information and disclosures:
Peter Karlsson, 0704-446472
Christoffer Bromander, 0735-025379
Jan Aronsson, 0706-369402