Thursday, March 6
Arrivas and accomondation:
Please connect reseption to get reservated rooms / cottages
Free practice on contest field.
Notice: Be careful with cracks on ice and NO CARS on lake !!!
Registration for contest, please show your licence.
Pre-briefing, weather forecast, starting line and open questions.
Friday, March 7
Swedish Moose Cup. F1A, F1B F1C and F1Q.
Briefing on site at 8.45.
Preliminary start of first round at 9.00.
Competition in five rounds. Maximum time and length of rounds will be announced during the briefing and is subject to change depending on weather conditions.
Pricegiving 20:00
Saturday, March 8
Bear Cup Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. F1A, F1B F1C and F1Q (website)
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Sunday, March 9
Reserve contest day for both contests.
Monday, March 10 Departure day.