Publicerad: 2022-12-28
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-12-28
Författare: Uppsala Flygklubb Administratör
In English
Uppsala Segelflygklubb is a gliding club located just north of Uppsala about one hour from Stockholm at Sundbro airport. We welcome international guests and would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please contact us by e-mail at:
Fly with Us!
The package consists of 8 days of:
- Membership in the club Segelflygarna Uppsala FK.
- Access to the club house with lounge, wifi, kitchen and sauna. Parking of gliders and trailer on the airfield (at previously agreed area) access to electricity (not for cooking or heating).
Priceinformation here
Länk till annan webbplats. (for the moment only in Swedish)
- Towing is available on weekends from second half of April.
- Towing is available on weekdays from May 1st to September 1st.
- Flying is prohibited some sundays during the season. Ask us to be updated.
- Swedish pilots shall be associated with Segelflygförbundet.
- Flying competence and type knowledge shall be verified by showing logbook.
- Trustee members of Segelflygarna UFK can always demand that a "control flight" be made.
- It is always the pilots responsibility to follow rules regarding flying times, flying days and airspace.
- Contact the club well in advance of your planned visit to ensure that it does not coincide with other planned club activities.
- Costs for towing are not included and will be charged at the current rates.
- Please take good care of facitites and equipment.
- The flight packages shall be paid for in advance. After payment the pilot will receive a membership number.
- Other costs such as towing shall be paid no later than 30 days after the visit through an invoice.
- Note: If you do not previously own a keytag to the clubhouse buy one at a cost of 100 SEK. It is yours to keep and opens the club house during your stay with us. If you have a keytag previously we would prefer you reuse it. There will be no additonal cost for the reprogramming of the keytag.
Link to a page with a detailed breakdown of flying for costs in Swedish. Länk till annan webbplats.